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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Customer Premises Equipment

          Hi, this article provides you to have knowledge about some telephone equipments located in your home. Basically we called them as Customer Premises Equipments (CPE). When telephone operator provides the telephone facility to a particular place, these equipments are installed by them.
           The following figure gives an idea of that how they arrange in order.

Customer Premises Equipment

            The telephone connection line is coming from out side of the building. First it comes to dis-charger unit. This unit responsible for protecting telephone from high voltages that are coming from out side. Especially local home telephones are collapse from lighting. Therefore there is an special mechanism to ground that incoming high voltage. There is an external wire comes out from dis-charger and it goes to earth. And also it is build with very simple circuit. 

Rosette Box

           After the dis-charger unit this telephone wire comes to a device call Rosette Box. It is consist of only cross connection. It has two interfaces and they are normal telephone wire connection and RJ11 interface. This device is used for have the line with RJ11 connectors.
           Now the wire has RJ11 connectors at both sides, therefore it is easy to do the wiring. The wire between Rosette box and splitter is called Rosette code. Rosette code is a code which has RJ11 in both sides. Then the wire connects to the Telephone through a splitter. Splitter is used to separate voice frequency and ADSL frequency. The splitter is consisting with low and high pass filters. Low pass filter is used to filter-out the lower frequency of incoming signal and high pass filter is used to filter-out high frequency.The ADSL line then connects to modem and after goes to computer. Yes, not only a modem we can use ADSL router to do that job.
        Next case is little bit different than previous, but you can see the same equipment arrangement is there.  In that application that house has 2 bed rooms and a living room. Now we are going to setup the Internet connection and normal telephone connection. The customer needs ADSL connection to his 4 desktop computers and to a Laptop. And also he would want to use a cordless phone is used in one of his bed room. Following figure will express better idea of customer premises equipments.
Customer Premises Equipment

          Throughout this article I hope you may get some thing. This provides very basic explanation and future will cover more. Comments are well come. Thank you.

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