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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Fully Automated Water Supply System

              This is a project of fully automated water supply system designed with 16F887 Micro controller.

To build the process of the Washing machine we need several input& output devices. We use PIC 16f887 micro controller as central control device. First we should supply 5v dc to micro controller. We use a voltage stabilizer to do that. Weight sensor is used measure the weight of the cloths which we putted into washing machine. It gives analog input to the micro controller.
In this application we categorize the weight of the cloths. It as below,
0kg - 2kg = Low weight
2kg – 4kg = Medium weight
4kg – 6kg = High weight
According to these categorization put sufficient water into the washing machine. We use 3 Water level sensors to measure the water level. If we are high weight cloths have to wait for the three inputs from sensor 1, 2 and 3. After adding water to the washing machine we have to input time duration manually by rotating the timer knob. And also use LCD display (8 bit) to display timing process & massages. We use 8 bit LCD display because display time is very fast procedure, it changes rapidly.

8 bit and 32 bit ALU

                 In Micro controller system when we compare these ALUs both can do the same function. ALUs can add, subtract, multiply act, two numbers. But the difference is the speed and efficiency of these ALUs.
                 An 8 bit ALU would have to execute four instructions to add 32 bit number but 32 bit ALU can do it in one instruction. It is four times faster than 8 bit ALU.
8 bit and 32 bit ALU

8-bit ALU architectures are those that are based on registers, address buses, or data buses of that size. 8-bit is also a term given to a generation of computers in which 8-bit processors were the norm.
Eight-bit CPUs normally use an 8-bit data bus and a 16-bit address bus which means that their address space is limited to 64 Kb. This is not a "natural law", however, so there are exceptions.
The range of integer values that can be stored in 32 bits is 0 through 4,294,967,295 or −2,147,483,648 through 2,147,483,647 using two's complement encoding. Hence, a processor with 32-bit memory addresses can directly access 4 GB of byte-addressable memory.
The external address and data buses are often wider than 32 bits but both of these are stored and manipulated internally in the processor as 32-bit quantities